Sunday Service

In person service is at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome!

– Sunday, March 30, Angela will be leading our Sunday service

Sharing from her experience in our common aim to "be the change we want to be in the world".  Up WIth People - Up With Peace!

– Sunday, April 6th, Rev. Victoria will speak on "Spring is in the Air!"

We are proud to welcome our Northwest Unity Youth consultants for teens and middle schoolers. Nick Muncie Jarvis and Chris Castaldi   have been working with Unity youth and sponsors for many years and are delighted to reconnect with Unity of Salem. Sponsor training will be after the service.

– Sunday, April 13th, Rev. Victoria will speak on "Transitioning to new Spiritual Insight"

After the service there will be a New  Member Class focusing on "What does Unity teach that is life changing and helps you expand your connection with the Spirit Within."
Everyone is welcome to join in "Pizza and Principles!" Please sign up if you are planning to attend.
This class will meet at noon.

– Sunday, April 20th, Rev. Victoria will speak on "A New Awakening!"   

 The hidden meaning of Easter

“Death is not the opposite of life, The opposite of death is life. Life has no opposite “ Elkhart Tolle.
Be part of this wonderful and inspirational service. Special music with the band, ,Easter Egg hunt for the kids, and a ritual that will touch your heart.

– Friday, April 25 at 6:00 p.m. Inspirational Native Flute Concert by JAN MICHAEL LOOKING WOLF and Robin Gentlewolf. Tickets are $20 at church or online.

A special performance by Jan Michael Looking Wolf  - music for world peace, cultural diversity, and unity. Join us for a beautiful blend of Native American Flutes, vocals ballads, guitars, indigenous chants, and Tribal percussion that share an inspirational message of everyone's connection to each other and Mother Earth.

You can buy on our website with the Give Online button, or on Sundays at church.  
Any questions call the office at 503-364-0156

– Sunday, April 27th, Rev. Victoria will speak on "Here we Grow Again"

Mother Earth teaches us that season after season, and cycle after cycle there is a time to celebrate the newness and a time to let go of what was!
Teachable moments are available everyday… Are we listening?

JOIN In our 2nd Celebrating and Dreaming Together Gathering
after the service. We have lots to share as we take the next steps into
What do we do Best!  Stay tuned … More info to follow


Angela Wanak – Director
Elizabeth Gingerich
Lorraine Eustice
Denny Colleret
Mariah Lee
Merle Hopkins
Jeff Icovino
Jeff Mullins
CJ Jones

Edited versions of the recordings are posted after 3pm on Sunday afternoons, both here on this website and on YouTube 

The service is also shown on CC:Media (formerly CCTV).

These times are subject to change:
Tuesday - 5pm
   Wednesday - 8pm
   Thursday - 11am
   Friday - 12pm
   Sunday - 7am